Air Fin Fan Cooler in Moscow is completed

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Air Fin Fan Cooler “ТЭЦ-12” in Moscow center, Russian Federation, is finished and able to work.

 2015 10 28

AFFC Cooling Tower inside “ТЭЦ-12 Power Plant” located in the capital of Russian Federarion, is completed and starts to work. The main aim of the thermoelectric plant is to ensure the electric power supply of the central districts of Moscow.

With a cooling capacity of 12.000 m³/h and a range’s temperature from 36° C to 25° C, provided with 135 Heat exchangers with elliptical tubes and 36 Roof’s Fans, the Cooling Tower starts to cooling water for the Condenser of the Turbine.

Antonino Romeo

Project Manger and Site Supervisor

LMV Russia