100 + FORUM RUSSIA, Yekaterinburg

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

The LMV Group participates with success!

WSHD Russia

From 5 to 7 October happened in Yekaterinburg in Russia at the International Exhibition Center Yekaterinburg- EXPO, the 100+ Forum. An international trade fair dedicated to financing, design, construction and operation of high-rise buildings and structures suitable for any type of application.


“More than 4000 participants, 60 events,
287 speakers for a 
three-day event dedicated
to innovation in the construction industry”


The LMV Group participated with the engineer Pachera Matteo who presented with the report "Incremental Launching method for steel bridges Structures", the works carried out by LMV Group in Russia with launching techniques and special equipment.

We are proud that our work received the appreciation of the organizer and other participants!


Forum 100


Marketing Department


LMV Group